Didactic Material
This material has been developed for the students of this course. Since knowledge should be considered everyone’s heritage, my material is available to anyone who wants to study the course topics. However, such material cannot be used, even in part, for other purposes or in other courses, without my explicit permission and without citing the source.
The course is currently given in Italian. The material include an English translation of all the slides used during the course lectures. Such a translation is the first result of a long and complex adaptation work. Therefore, the slides may still contain some errors, typos and poorly readable statements. I’ll do my best to refine them, but it takes time. Suggestions are always appreciated!
Course slides repository
Always check for updates!
Final Course Projects
Final project specifications repository
A collection of all the final course projects for each academic year
Before trying to run or modify these examples, read the Software section and set-up all the required software
HTML files showing the syntax of the most common language elements -
Cascading Style Sheets
Examples used to demonstrate che CSS features -
Java Servlets
Examples of Java web applications, packed as Maven projects, compatible with all the most common IDEs -
Script examples (to execute them, open the corresponding HTML file in any browser
- Jeffrey Zeldman, Ethan Marcotte, Designing with Web Standards (3rd Edition), New Riders Press
One of the most important course textbooks, about web design standards, is also available in English